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University Tour
Education - Inspiration
Each year over 250,000 international students come to the United Kingdom for a life-changing experience: to study in some of the worlds’ finest Universities to broaden their horizons and advance their potential.
The prestigious UK education system is not only praised worldwide but comes out on top as having the most well-developed education system in the world for 2020. As of now, 47 of the world leaders studied in Britain before becoming main players on the world stage. Seize this opportunity to visit a university of your choice which may help decide which future path is right for you.This day includes:
- Breakfast at home
- Journey to University
- University tour and overview
- Learning about entry requirements
- Learning about the admission process
- Learning about student Life
- Learning about facilities and accommodation
- Short quiz on information learned that day
- Dinner at home
- Discussions with host family
- A total of 10 hours English practice
- Breakfast at home